Here is a simple, yet effective way to confuse customers. Add a 7 pin CAN controller and hydraulic control block to an attachment that does not need one. That's what the masters at Bobcat® did. The Mulcher attachment made by Fecon and sold to Bobcat® has added parts to it that makes it not work on anything but a Bobcat®. If you don't have a hood, you have been dealing with wiring that should not even exist. The cement mixer has no function to operate but it has the same high tech approach to not operating on a Non-Bobcat® machine. We fixed this issue and are passing the information on to you.
We now ship this as a 3 piece kit since some use a cartridge while others use one of two different sized plugs. This is the easiest way to make this work and the cheapest. Try the cartridge first. If that does not work, use the basic plugs and it will work. Guaranteed!!
My Opinion:
The theory is that you will be less likely to sell your Bobcat and buy a better machine from another manufacturer if you have a bunch of money tied up in attachments that won't work on your new machine. Not what I call a free country. My goal is to stop this from happening so this is how simple I made this process.
Over by where the main hoses come into the block is a single solenoid. Unscrew the top coil and then unscrew the entire cartridge from the block. Verify that it looks like the end of this plug. if not, email us a picture of what you have so we develop another solution.
After you verify the cartridge, discard it. In it's place, screw our cavity plug to cap off the chamber and allow the flow to bypass. This will allow you to operate the attachment without the electronic harness being installed. This is especially helpful for John Deere Machines which do not have a Pin K switched power pin. You can also remove the electronic harness. If the cartridge does not work, use the plug. As a favor to us for all of the research that we do, please send us these controllers. We use them for testing to discover even more things to benefit operators like you. We will even make it better for you by sending you a check for $75. Shown below is the control block found on the Fecon mulching head. The cartridge is removed and the cavity plug is shown next to it.
Now you can operate your Bobcat Mulcher on a Caterpillar, John Deere, Kubota, Case, Gehl, Mustang, Volvo or any other skid steer or compact track loader. A lot of people buy this kit simply because they are constantly tearing off their cables and it was costing them a fortune from Bobcat to keep replacing them. Again, this does bypass the brake similar to if you bought this attachment directly from Fecon.
Mulcher: This process only works if your Mulcher does NOT have a hood. If you have a hood you will need this harness so you can open and close the hood.
Cement Mixer. RACs system will not work. This will only allow the mixer to work. No remote start. Sorry. Take it up with the manufacturer.